Fred Thomas (in the morning) is interviewing David Ogburn about the “Family Visitor”, newsletter that the family publishes.
House of Ogburn Philadelphia branch Facebook
Charles Ogburn had been amongst other things a minister in the methodist episcopal church. John & Rena had eleven children and Rena, lived on to the age of 90 in Mecklenburg Virginia. Of this second generation, two of the brothers, Taylor and Olden Ogburn , were extremely close. They lived next to one another and both had big families . Taylor and his wife Fannie and Olden and his wife Rosa Hayes both had ten children each.

The formation of ‘The House of Ogburn’

One day the cousins got together and decided to contact every possible member of the family. Herbert said he would supply the financial backing and Rev. John said he would handle the administration of putting the first “Reunion” together.
The first Sunday in August 1942 the first reunion took place at St. Cyprians Church in Brooklyn, N.Y. It was a memorial to Olden and Taylor Ogburn in which more than fifty members were in attendance. Rev. John Ogburn claimed that day to be the greatest day spent during his ministry. After the service, dinner was served in the Parish Hall; and following the dinner, an organization was perfected, to be known as the ‘House of Ogburn.’

The first reunion of 1942 (34k) Wilfred Ogburn came up with the name at this historic meeting. The purpose of the organization is “to foster and perpetuate family ties and the right relationship that should exist between all families.”
Since then the House of Ogburn has flourished, and members of the family have met at annual re-unions every two years, and celebrated the 50th anniversary of foundation at the Ramada Hotel, Clark, New Jersey in September 1992.

Virginia Barnwell. niece of the Rev. John T Ogburn, has been President of the New York/New Jersey branch for over 50 years.
Branches of The House of Ogburn exist in New York/New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, and Virginia.
David Ogburn (grandson of Rev John T Ogburn) of Washington D.C.
will be pleased to hear from anyone wanting more information about the House of Ogburn via his website
washingtonpost.com: Style Live: Museums & Galleries – Review of David Oggi Ogburn’s work
Hi there, I’m trying to get in contact with my Ogburn family orgins. I was born and raised in Australia and have had zero contact with my father’s immediate family. His name is Robert Louis Ogburn, born May 8, 1942. Son of Richard Ogburn and Kate Alexander. I stumbled upon this website and it has made me curious to know more about my family! I believe my father had 5 other siblings so I’d love to hear from any cousins, uncles, aunties. My name is Jacob and I’m 25 years old, living in Melbourne, Australia.
Hi Jacob, my name is Harriet Ogburn. I was born in australia, daughter of John Armstrong Ogburn. Dad never talked much about family history. Dad’s family were from Victoria. I might be related to you.
Hi Jacob, my name is Harriet Ogburn. I am the daughter of John Armstrong Ogburn. I am Australian. My dad was from Victoria. I might be related to you
Hi I’m a Ogburn and my grandfathers name ,was Clarence Thomas Ogburn out of Clarksville TN
My African Ogburns are also from Clarksville TN, they have a church there named after them https://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=cr&CRid=2512437
Hey, just curious…what are the chances that some of the African American Ogburns may have actually been descendants of the white Ogburns? I mean I noticed in some pictures that some had very fair skin and although I do not look as if I am biracial, I have been told by many that I have to have African American background somewhere. I do plan to get DNA tested, but I can’t help but to wonder. Thank you for your time. Stay blessed!
I have been told and I have done some research and my great grandfather 2x removed was manumitted by his slave master father. His name was Lee Ogburn and his owner/father was supposedly John Ogburn of Montgomery County Tennessee.
I’m sorry for the lateness of this comment to the point you raised. It is clear that when slavery was abolished in America that those emancipated in many cases took the surname of their former ‘owner’ – see this page https://www.ogbourne.com/the-african-american-ogburns/
As to whether blood relationships existed sounds quite likely between the different races.
I’m looking for information on Rena Ogburn – any parental information as well as information about her other children.
The most recent reunion featured a book that outlined all of Rena’s children and their lineage. http://www.TheHouseofOgburn.com is under construction and will feature that information on the tree.
Hey I’m a Ogburn and my grandfather name was Clareance Ogburn from Orange New Jersey.
My 3rd Great Grandfather was Lee Ogburn of Clarksville TN.
His daughter Susie was my 2nd great grandmother.
We don’t have information on those names, but there are a number of Ogburns listed in the Tennessee Cencuses listed in 313 PAGES OF USA GENEALOGICAL INFORMATION OF OGBURNS AND OGBORNS
Hello, I am Brandon Ogburn (Clarksville,Tn) son of Bobby Ogburn(Born in Montgomery county,
Tn now living in Evansville,in).
My grandfather was John Ogburn sr. (Montgomery county, Tn)
My great grandfather and grandmother were Steve and Ella Ogburn also from TN.
There are White Ogburn’s here in Clarksville that we can connect by way of land ownership but not sure how much more.
I know of those names. Steve is my 2nd great uncle.
My 2nd great grandmothers brother. If you have telegram you can message me on there @wholovesorangesodaa (yes two a’s) and maybe we can exchange information and names
Not quite understood – we have emailed Ogburn descendant
Hello my name is Aretha Jackson, daughter of Johnny Lee Jackson and Ruby D. Jackson. I’m the granddaughter of Samantha Clark (Iawson Arkansas) and the great granddaughter of George Clark and Sally Wallace. So I’ve done a DNA on ancestry In the name Ogburn continues to show in my dna. My father was born May 15, 1939 in Lawson Arkansas we clearly have no idea of who his biological father is and I have also found a relative that was born in New York and left at the hospital could he possibly be a Ogburn. Need help with our ties to the Ogburn family
Hello my name is Marco Ogburn Golliday, my grandfather was Jodie Ogburn out of Adams, Sango Tennessee, which he married Cezar Drake and they had 21 kids and they owned and still have a farm off of North Woodson and Drake rd in Adams Tennessee
Reference is made to Ogburns in Tennessee in USA GENEALOGICAL INFORMATION OF OGBURNS AND OGBORNS which might be useful to you if you wished to trace your ancestors. See the 1900 census in the above mentioned information.
I have been told and I have done some research and my great grandfather 2x removed was manumitted by his slave master father. His name was Lee Ogburn and his owner/father was supposedly John Ogburn of Montgomery County Tennessee.
Hi Jacqueline
I’ve read with interest your comments on the website and it seems that there could be a connection with John, son of Matthew Ogburn who is mentioned in Matthew’s will which can be seen on this page: https://www.ogbourne.com/wills-since-1455/will-of-matthew-ogburn-1839-tenessee/
It is unfortunately an evidence of the state of things at that time
I am descendant of the African American Ogburn family. This is amazing research.