Will of William Ogburn 1824
of Guilford County, North Carolina.
Unrecorded (Original) Wills 1792-1903 (C.R.46.8O1.1.2)
In the name of God, Amen.
I William Ogburn of the County of Guilford and State of North Carolina calling to mind the uncertainty of life and that all mankind sooner or later must die have thought proper now being in sound mind and memory do make this my last will and Testament.
Imprimus, I order and direct that all my just debts be paid and my funeral expenses which I wish to be plain(and)decent out of my Estate.
1. I give and bequeath to my son Wilkins Ogburn Two Hundred dollars in cash to be raised out of my Estate by my Executors.
2. I give and bequeath to my daughter Nancy Watson one negro woman named Fanny and her increase after this date to her and the heirs of her body if any, if not, an equal division to be made between Claboun & Nancy at her death, her part to be turned back to the old stock. Also, one hundred acres of land lying in the County of Rockingham, part of a Track of land adjoining Johnson John Shelton and others beginning at my South East corner running North with my line to the North East corner thence West with said old line a proper distance to make one hundred acres thence South and East to the beginning.
3. I give and bequeath to my son Nicholas Ogburn one negro boy named Lige.
4. I give and bequeath to my son John Ogburn Four Hundred dollars in cash to be raised out of my Estate by my Executors.
5. I give and bequeath to my son Edmond Ogburn one negro boy named Jim, also, one horse bridle and sadle & cow & calf.
All the above property as is divised to Wilkins Ogburn, John Ogburn, Nancy Watson Nicholas Ogburn and Edmond Ogburn is to make their shares equal to the property that I have heretofore given to my other Sons and Daughters.
I also give and bequeath all the residue of my property, both real and personal, that is not otherwise devised, as follows.
1. I give and bequeath to my son Nicholas Ogburn the residue of the Tract of land of which one Hundred acres is devised to my daughter Nancy Watson lying in the County of Rockingham as is above described, also the Tract of land where the said the said Nicholas now resid(es) containing one Hundred acres, also, a Tract of land adjoining his residence known by the name of the Health Tract containing one hundred and fifty acres together with such a part of the Tract of land on which I now reside, which will be hereafter ascertained by such a line as I shall have run and marked dividing said Tract to him and his Heirs forever.
2. I give and bequeath to my son Edmond Ogburn the Tract of Land on which I now reside except as above in the devise of part of said Tract to my son Nicholas Ogburn to him and his Heirs forever.
3. It is my wish and desire that all the residue of my property not herein devised shall be equally divided with all my sons and daughters I have and share equally alike including my three grandchildren Pricilly Donnel, Charles P. Ogburn and Edmond Ogburn, Heirs of William Ogburn deceased, that is to say, the three to draw one share which their Father would of been entitled to was he now living with my other children.
Lastly, I constitute and appoint my son Nicholas Ogburn and Wilson Doak my Executors of this my last Will and Testament, in witness thereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 14 day of October 1824.
Signed & Acknowledged in the presents of William Blair
William Ogburn (Seal)
State of North Carolina
Quilford County – February Term 1828
The foregoing paper writing and papner marked A herewith filed was found by a jury to be the Last Will & Testament of Wm. Ogburn Dec’d and was recorded on …….. of said Jury.
Teste (Signature illegible)