In New Jersey the name was favorably known through the State for many years, especially in the vicinity of Middletown, but now, save in its application to the site of an old homestead, “Annie Ogborne’s Corners,” on the road between Middletown and Holmdel, it is 1900, even this name is lost, for to this locality the name on the sign-board and in Ellis’ History has been corrupted to Ogden.
The Ogbornes were socially a prominent family, but, with few exceptions, held no political positions. Through the female side of the house have descended the late Amos R. Manning, Esq., of the Supreme Court of Alabama; the Hon. Edward Scudder, of the Supreme Court of New Jersey; Prof. John Stiliwell Schenck, of Princeton College; the Drs. Stillwell, of New York City; Ex-Governor Bedle, of New Jersey; the Taylors, of Middletown, N.J., and others.
John Ogborne and Samuel Ogborne were early settlers in Burlington County, N.J.
See seperate document on John Ogborne & descendants
Signature of Samuel Ogborne from his will lodged in the New Jersey State Archives
1 SAMUEL OGBORNE was also a resident of Burlington, and contemporary with John Ogborne, and no doubt of kin.
1685, 3 mo., 29. Jane Ogbourne was present at the birth of Ann, the daughter of Thomas and Hester Butcher.Register of Burlington Monthly Meeting.
1686, 3, 9. Samuel and Jane Ogborne, Sarah Harvie, and others, were witnesses to the marriage of William Atkinson and Elizabeth Curtis. Burlington Quaker Records.<P
1693, Aug. 9. William Fryley, of Burlington, carpenter, sold to Samuel Ogbourne, of the same place, carpenter, for £13, one-fifth part of an acre, lying on the High Street, in Burlington, bounded by Christof Weatherill on the West, etc., etc., being part of the town lot late belonging to George Hutcheson.
1695, Mch. 26. John Harwood, of Springfield, Burlington County, yeoman, sold to Jane Ogborne, widow, of the town of Burlington, for £80, a house and ninety acres, which was previously sold by her husband, Samuel Ogborne, to said Harwood, lying near Matoropan Bridge, South of Maple Creek, and North of the Great Swamp.
1695, June 8. Jane, the widow of the aforesaid Samuel Ogbourne, sold, as executrix, the preceding purchase of 1693, fronting on High Street, with forty-six feet front and one hundred and twenty-one feet, ten inches in depth, with stone, wood, timber and other materials, which Samuel Oghorne had gotten together, intending to build on the said site, for £52, to Lyonell Britton, of Philadelphia. She made her mark to the deed.
1697 May 27. Jane Ogborne, of Springfield, Burlington County, widow, sold lands to Richard Ridgway, of the same place.
1694, Nov. 7. Will of Samuel Ogborne, of Burlington, sick, etc.; proved Dec. 8, 1694, mentioned:
“dearly beloved wife, Jane.”
He gave £5 to each of his children, at the discretion of his executrix, if so much remains when they are brought up.
Executor: wife, Jane. His brother-in~1aw, Peter Harvey, trustee and assistant.
The will was written and signed by the testator, (see above) and was a fine specimen of caligraphy.
Daniel Leeds, of Burlington, Gent., and William Atkinson, of Burlington, yeoman, went on her bond. She made her mark.
1694, 21, 9br. The inventory of his personal estate, of this date, amounted to £127-1 1-7.
Jane, daughter of Thomas and Jane Curtis and wife of Samuel Ogborne, was born, at Bugbrook, Northampton, England, 2mo., 11, 1661 Records of Northampton Monthly Meeting.
Jane Curtis, the widow of Samuel Ogborne, must have been an attractive woman, for, upon her husband’s demise, she married, second, John Hampton, of Freehold, and after his death, became the wife of Nathaniel Fitz-Randolph, of Woodbridge, N.J., and he dying, she married, fourth, 30km Sharp, of Gloucester, whom she outlived.
- 2 Samuel Ogborne
- 3 Mary Ogborne; married, in 1707, in Evesham Meeting, John Engle; married, in1727, Jonas Cattell; married, in 1732, Thomas French. Bt John Engle, she had:Issue
- Robert Engle
- Jane Engle; married Mr. Turner.
- John Engle
- Mary Engle; married Mr. Lippin
- 4 Sarah Ogborne; permission granted Edmond Kinsey and Sarah Ogborne to marry, 21, 8, 1708.
Issue -
- Samuel Kinsey
- David Kinsey
- Mary Kinsey; married Mr, Fell.
- Elizabeth Kinsey; married Mr. Smith.
- John Kinsey
- Joseph Kinsey
- Sarah Kinsey; married Mr. Smith,
- Benjamin Kinsey
- Jonathan Kinsey
By her second marriage, to John Hampton, Jane Curtis had
- Joseph Hampton; died in 1767; married Mary Canby,
- Sarah Hampton; married Mr. Wilson.
- John Hampton
- Behjamin Hampton
- Jane Hampton; unmarried.
- Joseph Hampton
- David Hampton
- Mary Hampton; married Mr. Stokes.
- John Hampton married, first, Janet; second, Martha Brown, by whom he had most of his children
1702. He died at Freehold, Monmouth County.
1702, Jan.23. Will of John Hampton; proved Feb.26, 1702, mentioned:
Wife, Jane; [his third wife], and her children before “our marriage,” Sarah and Mary, Ogborne, to whom he left a legacy.
- Daughter, Janet Ray, and her children
- Daughter, Elizabeth Hampton
- Daughter, Lydia Hampton
- Sons, John Hampton
- David Hampton
- Andrew Hampton
- Jonathan Hampton,
- Noah Hampton
- Joseph Hampton; a son by his wife, Jane.
- Executors: wife, Jane, and Robert Ray.
1698, May 12. John Hampton, of Freehold, and wife Jane, sold a house, in Burlington, late in the tenure of Samuel Ogborne, former husband of Jane Hampton, to John Borradaill, of Burlington.
By her third marriage, to Nathaniel Fitz-Randolph, Jane Curtis had
- Benjamin Fitz-Randolph born 10.22.1707
- Nathaniel Fitzrandolph, of Woodbridge, and Jane Hampton, of Freehold, were married 4mo., 12, 1706. Records of Shrewsbury, N. J., Monthly Meeting.
John and Grace Kinsey, who was a Fitz-Randolph, were among the witnesses.
1713,” fift day of ye third month Commonly Called may.” Will of Nathaniell fitz-Randolph, of woodbridge, Co. of midelsex, planter, “am att the writing hearof of a found perfect disposing Minde”; proved by John Kinfey, a witness, May 12, 1714, mentioned:
“to my Grandson Isaac fitz Randolph ye ten pounds that is in my fon samuell fitz Randolph hands and ye Interest of ye money that wais and is part of it due to me from my Sd ion and also the Interest of money that was Due to me from Joseph fitz Randolph my son “to my youngest son Benjamin fitz Randolph the twenty~two accers and one half be it more or less of land that I had of my Share of ye last division in Raway Neck and also my free hold that Belongs to my land and me out of ye lands yett in Comon in woodbride with the appurtenances thereunto Belonging and ye free hold aforesaid To him ye laid Benjamin fitz Randolph his heirs always provided that in Case my Said son Benjamin should Die before he arrives to the age of twenty-one years that then laid land and freehold shall be sold and ye price of it to be Divided Betwenn the survivors of my sons and my Grandson the sd Isaac fitz Randolph share like Equaly also to my said son Benjamin thirty pounds out of my moveable Estate to be putt out to Interest within fourteen months after my Deceas by my Executrix and trustees uritili my ion Comes to twenty one years provided alwayes that in Case my son Benjamin Dies afore he arives to ye age of twenty-one that then y[e] sd thirty pounds with ye Interest shall be Equaly Divided tween ye survivors of my wife and Sons and grandson Isaac fitz Randolph”
“I give the sheep that is att John Nokes to Be Equaly Divided Between my laid son Benjamin and my ion In law Joseph Hamton and Thomas Nessmith share alike”
“to my welbeloved wife all things of what Kinde quanntity quality or Value whatsoever which belongs or appertaines To my personall or moveable Estate for her . . .. . and her heirs for her Owen Confortable maintainenanc and maintenance and scoollng washing & Clothing of my said son Benjamin fitz Randolph Dureing his minority”
Executor: “my : said wife to be my whole and sole Executrix.”
Overseers: “my well Esteemed freinds, John Laing and John Rinsey, and my son samuell fitz- Randolph and by Councell help Execute this my last will ”
Witnesses: John Laing, William Laing, Edward ffitz-Randolph and John Kinsey.
The testator made his mark to the will.
1714, May 12. Declaration of “Jean, the widdow & Executrix of Nathaniel fitzrandolph,” before Thomas Gordon, Surrogate.
Recorded in Lib. I, continued; p.483, Trenton, N.J.
1715, 2mo., 15 At a monthly meeting, at Woodbridge, of this date, Jane Fitzrandolph requested a certificate of removal for herself, her son-in-law, Edmond Kinsey, and his wife, to Falls Monthly Meeting. Minutes of Woodbridge Monthly Meeting.
At a monthly meeting, at Falls, of this date, Edmond Kinsey, wife, and mother-in-law, produced a certificate of removal from Woodbridge Monthly Meeting. Minutes of Falls Monthly Meeting, Bucks County, Pa.
1719, 8mo., 7. At a monthly meeting, at Falls, of this date, Jane Fitzrandolph was granted, a certificate of removal. Minutes of Falls Monthly Meeting.
John Sharp, of Evesham, Burlington County, and Jane Fitzrandle, widow, were married 10 mo., 20, 1719. Records of Haddonfield Monthly Meeting.
1725,3mo., 17. Will of John Sharp, of Evesham, Burlington County;’ proved Mch. 29, 1727 mentioned
- Wife, Jane
- Sons:
- William
- John
- Thomas
- Samuel
- Former wife, Elizabeth Green, [i. e, his second wife.]
- Daughters, Elizabeth Sharp
- Sarah Sharp
- Hannah Adams
1729,” 8th day of ye +’6-‘th month called August.” Will of Jane Sharp, of Buckingham, in County of Bucks and province of Pensilvania,widow; proved,, Dec.13, 1731, mentioned:
To my son Samuel Ogburne the sum of 8 pounds proclamation money.”
“to my son Joseph Hampton 12 pound.”
“to my son in law Edmond Kinsey 5 pounds.”
“to my son in law Jonas Ketle 5 pound.”
“to my son Benjamin Fitzrandle twenty pound and also one bed and 2 pair of sheets 2 pillows and 2 pairs pillow cases I diper table cloth 3 blankets one bird eyed coverlidd one silver spoon one great Bible one great looking glass one pair iron doggs.”
“to my Grand daughter Jane engle a great pewter dish.”
“to my daughter Mary Ketle 25 pound.”
“to my daughter Sarah Kinsey 25 pound.”
“after my legacies is payd if any money remains let it be given to my two daughters and Jo Hampton.”
“to my daughter Mary’s three daughters and to my daughter’s Sarah’s three daughters and to my son Joseph Hampton’s one daughter (who are all now living) 7 pound in Silver and Gold,twenty shillings apeace each.”
“to Mary Kinsey and Elizabeth Kinsey each of them one trunck.”
“all my horse and mares be sold or valued and the value of them to pay all charges to my executors that may accrue to them by funeral expenses or any otherwise whatsoever upon my account and after legacys and other charges are all payd if any thing remains of value I hereby give it to Edmond Kinsey, but if it should so happen that my estate shall fall short of paying my legacyes and all charges then ….. all Legtees shall abate their proportion according to their shares.”
“I give my executors forty shillings apiece.”
Executors: “my son in law Edmond Kinsey and Joseph Fell.”
Witnesses: John Hill and Elizabeth Fell.
The testator made her mark to the will.
1731, 28th of Xber. The inventory of her personal estate was exhibited, which was made 18-th day of the Ninth Month, 1731, by John Hill and John Walton, and amounted to £118-10-9.
2 SAMUEL OGBORNE, son of Samuel Ogborne, I, was born Dec.25, 1684, and died Apr.25, 1768. He married Abigail … , who died Dec. 3, 1760.
1712, 3uly 29. He purchased of Hendrick Gulick and wife, Katharine, one hundred and twenty acres, in Middletown, and in the deed is mentioned as “of Hopeweil, in Burlington County, N. J., wheelwright. The consideration was £185, and the witnesses were John Bray, Joseph Ashton and William Lawrence, Jr.
1713, 1st Tuesday in June. Samuel Ogburn was fined £0-13-4, with others, for default in serving on the Grand Jury. Court of Quarter Sessions, Shrewsbury. Freehold Records.
1713, Nov. 5. He was a resident of Middletown, and bought three acres of land at Shoal Harbor, for £5, from John Smith, of Middletown.
In 1715, having become identified with the town, he was chosen an Overseer of the Poor, and from this date onward, he was an active man, his name frequently occurring in the records as an office holder.
1721 and 1722. Samuel Ogborn was on the Grand Jury.
In 1739, possibly earlier, he was a Justice of the Peace, position he occupied as late as 1756
1761. Samuel Ogborn appeared on the Assessment List of Middletown.
Their famly Bible, and a will made, in 1751, by Samuel Ogborne, which was revoked, are now in the possession of Dr. J. E. Stillwell, New York City, and another will, which was probated, of later date, both enumerating the same children and devising a considerable estate.
- 5 Mary Ogborne, born June 10, 1711.
- 6 Samuel Ogborne, born Dec.26, 1712
- 7 John Ogborne, born Dec.12, 1714
- 8 Sarah Ogborne, born Feb.12, 1715.
- 9 Abigail Ogborne, born Oct.13, 1718
- 10 Elizabeth Ogborne, born Dec. 23, 1720.
5 MARY OGBORNE, daughter of Samuel Ogborne, 2, was born June 10, 1711, and died Dec30, 1772. She married Edward Taylor, a large land holder and merchant in Middletown, who was the son of George, and grandson of Edward Taylor, the Emigrant. He was born Aug.20, 1712, and died Jan.18, 1783.
- Col. George Taylor, born Jan.29, 1733.
- Samuel Taylor, born Nov.28, 1735; died young.
- Eleanor Taylor, born Dec. 27 1737; married Fenwick Lyell.
- John Taylor, born Mch. 25, 1740.
- Joseph Taylor, born Aug.26, 1742.
7 JOHN OGBORNE, son of Samuel Ogborne, 2, was born Dec.12, 1714; married Mary, daughter of Gershom and Elizabeth (Grover) Stillwell, who was born Apr. 2, 1718.
1760, Aug.25 John Ogborne died.
1760. Letters of administration were granted Mary, widow of John Ogborne, of Monmouth County.
1760, Nov. 4. Bond for £300, of Mary Ogborne, widow and administratrix of John Ogborne, was signed by John Stillwell, Jr., of Middletown, yeoman. She and her bondsman made fine signatures.
1760, Nov.15. The inventory of the personal estate of John Ogborne, deceased, late of Middle town, was made by Joseph Golden and William Crawford, appraisers, and amounted to £196-10-2.
1761, May 25. Mary Ogborne, widow and administratrix filed the inventory of her deceased husband.
1765, Oct. 8, Mary Ogborne, wife of John Ogborne, died.
1765. Letters of administration were granted to William Applegate, on the estate of Mary Ogborne, late of Middle town, a relative, who lately died intestate.
1765, Oct, 12. Bond for £400 was signed by Wm Applegate and Edward Taylor, both of Middietown, yeoman, for the administering of her estate.
1765, Oct, 15. The inventory of the personal estate of Mary Ogborne, of Middletown, deceased, was exhibited, signed by William Applegate, as administrator, and Richard Crawford. and Joseph Golden, appraisers, and amounted to £104-15-0. Elsewhere the amount is given as about £150.
1766, Oct. 2. The above inventory was filed. Among the items appears: “6 silver spoons and 6 silver teaspoons £4-10-0.”
- 11 Samuel Ogborne, born 1740; died, Jan 3, 1816 aged 75 years, 11 months and 25 day
- 12 William Ogborne; died about 182
- 13 Mary Ogborne, born 1742; died, Jan. 9, 1820, aged 77 years, 9 months and 19days.
- 14 Sarah Ogborne, born 1745; died, Oct.28, 1817, aged 72 years, 8 months and 14 days
- 15 Hannah Ogborne
- 16 Anne Ogborne
- 17 Elizabeth Ogborne, born Apr. 3, 1738.
8 SARAH OGBORNE, daughter of Samuel Ogborne, 2, was born Feb.12, 1715; married Obadiah Holmes, by license dated Nov. 2, 1747. He was the son of Obadiah, who was a son of Jonathan, who was a son of the Rev. Obadiah Holmes, of Rhode Island. He died in 1752. She died Oct. 20, 1774.
- Huldah Holmes; married Chryneonce Van Mater.
- Lloyd Van Mater; married Miss Longstreet. Henry H. Longstreet, of Holmdel, has Ogborne silver
- Rhoda Holmes married Capt. John Schanck; moved to Ohio.
- Obadiah Holmes
9 ABIGAIL OGBORNE, daughter of Samuel Ogborne, 2, was born Oct.13, 1718; married Edward Taylor, of Freehold, by license dated Oct.17, 1757. He was the son of William Taylor, who was the son of Edward Taylor, the Emigrant. They had no issue. She died Sept 3, 1770, and he married, second, Susan Erickson. He was called Edward Taylor, “the stutterer.” His mother was Hannah, daughter, probably, of James Grover.
10 ELIZABETH OGBORNE, daughter of Samuel Ogborne, 2, was born Dec.23, 1720. She was single, in 1760, as per her father’s will, but subsequently married Humphrey Wall, by license dated Mch. 6, 1765, son of Garret and grandson of Garret Wall, the Emigrant. Humphrey Wall was murdered in Burlington County and “Old Si” was hung for it.
In the Wall Burying-ground, Middletown, are two stones with the following inscriptions:
Humphrey Wall died, April 11, 1795 aged 74 years, 9 months and 28 days
Elizabeth, wife of Humphrey Wall, died, March 26, 1800, aged 79 years, 3 months and 3 days.
To continue Section 2 – descendants of Samuel Ogborne