Will of Mary Ogborne of Cleevepepper [Clyffe Pypard] Wiltshire, England
IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN. I Mary Ogbome of the Parish
of Cleevepepper in the County of Wilts. widow, being sick in
body but thanks be given to God of good and perfect memory, do
ordain and make this my last Will and Testament in the manner
and form following:
FIRST, I bequeath my soul into the hand of Almighty God in sure
and certain hope to be saved by the merits and Passion of my Lord
and Saviour Jesus Christ, my body to be decently buried in the
churchyard of Cleevepepper.
And of my temporal goods as follows:
IMPRIMIS, I will and bequeath unto my son John Tugell all my
goods of household stuff whatsoever it is in my house except as
hereafter named.
ITEM, I will and bequeath to my son Michael Tuggell the sum of
twenty shillings.
ITEM, I will and bequeath to my son Thomas Ogborne One chest,
One bedstead, One flock bed, One pair of blankets, Two coverlets,
Two bolsters, Two brass pots, Four pewter platters, One holland
Shette, Two holland Pelliberes.
ITEM, I will and bequeath unto my two sons in law Peter Ogbome
and William Ogborne, to each of them, the sum often shillings.
ITEM, I will and bequeath unto my daughter in law Precella
Tuggell the wife of Michael one holland Apron, One holland
Carcer (?).
ITEM, I will and bequeath unto my son in law John King of
Walton [Wootton] Bassett the sum of twelve pence.
ITEM, I will and bequeath unto two kinsmen William King and
Thomas King, to each of them the sum of twelve pence.
THIS WILL was proved at London the 29th day of April 1657 by
the oath of Michael Chesterman, brother, sole Executor, to whom
Admon was committed, etc.